// Declare a register module
module register(
  input logic clk,
  input logic in,
  output logic out
  initial out = 0;  // Initial state of the output

  // Capture input at the rising edge of the clock
  always @(posedge clk) out <= in;

// Testbench to simulate the register behavior
module testbench();
  logic clk = 0;  // Initial clock state
  logic in = 1;   // Initial input state
  logic out;      // Output to be driven by the register
  register dut (clk, in, out);  // Instantiate the device under test
  initial begin
    // Display initial states
    $display("Before: clk=%b, in=%b, out=%b", clk, in, out);
    clk = 1; // Rising edge of the clock
    in = 0;  // Change input at the same time
    // Display states after changes
    $display("After: clk=%b, in=%b, out=%b", clk, in, out);

In real hardware, an input that changes at the clock’s rising edge can potentially lead to metastability due to violations of setup and hold times1. In the simulation, particularly at the point where the input (in) and the clock (clk) change at the same simulation time, SystemVerilog handles the events based on its simulation model. Here’s what happens:

Event Scheduling

The two events of interests are scheduled into the Active region:

  • Event 1: Begin-End Block Evaluation. Including clk = 1; and in = 0;.
  • Event 2: Nonblocking Statement Evaluation. The right-hand side (RHS) of the nonblocking statement out <= in, denoted as in, is evaluated.

Event Execution

The language reference manual2 (LRM) states that (1) the simulator can execute the events in any order, and (2) within a block, the simulator can suspend statements execution and turn to another event. Therefore, the simulator can execute the events in three ways.

  • Evaluate Event 2, then Event 1. Consequently, in is captured as 1.
  • Or, evaluate event 1, and,
    • Evaluate clk = 1, suspend, then evaluate in in Event 2, then restore Event 1 and evaluate in = 0. Consequently, in is captured as 1.
    • Or, evaluate clk = 1 then in = 0, then evaluate in in Event 2. Consequently, in is captured as 0.

Using Synopsys VCS 2021.09, the observed output is as follows, which indicates the third way.

Before: clk=0, in=1, out=0
After: clk=1, in=0, out=0